Impact of natural resources on economic progress: Evidence for trading blocs in Latin America using non-linear econometric methods

Latin America is a region that is dependent on natural resources; thus, posing severe challenges for achieving economic progress along with social inclusion. This research aims to examine how the formation of trade blocs moderates the link between natural resource rents-economic progress in Latin America using non-linear econometric methods. In addition, we evaluate the moderating effect of urban concentration, knowledge, and the index of economic freedom.

The production and consumption of oil in Africa: The environmental implications

In this paper, we examine the role of crude oil production and domestic oil consumption on the environmental quality in Africa. To achieve this objective, we employ feasible generalized least square (FGLS), fixed effect with Driscoll-Kraay standard errors (FE-DSE), and fully modified ordinary least square (FMOLS) on 4 top economies and oil-producing African countries between 1990 and 2018. Consistent with the positive environmental externality theory, we found that crude oil production improves the environmental quality in the long-run and short-run.

Do natural resources, economic growth, human capital, and urbanization affect the ecological footprint? A modified dynamic ARDL and KRLS approach

The interaction between the abundance of natural resources and environmental depletion has significant ecological consequences. Nonetheless, this area is not adequately studied, and numerous results are apparent throughout the literature. For massive economic development, it is vital to recognize the role of human capital, urbanization, and natural resources. Hence it is important to consider various factors that can play a constructive role in environmental sustainability.

Another perspective towards energy consumption factors in Pakistan: Fresh policy insights from novel methodological framework

Lately, Pakistan's forecast for electricity consumption has shown an increasing tendency relative to its generating capability, which is concerning for the country's economic and social stability. Therefore, identifying electricity consumption factors may provide a promising mechanism to establish Pakistan's long-term sustainable policy framework. This study intends to gain a better understanding of the factors that influence electricity consumption, specifically electricity prices, economic expansion, industrialization, and urbanization.

Energy efficiency and sustainable development goals (SDGs)

This study attempts to connect Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with energy efficiency for 20 Asian and Pacific (AP) countries using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) from 2000 to 2018. The Panel Correction Standard Error (PCSE) estimates found that sustainable economic development and energy efficiency are positively related, suggesting that sustainable economic development is associated with increased energy efficiency.

Ensuring sustainable consumption and production pattern in Africa: Evidence from green energy perspectives

Aligning to the 2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) 12, we investigate the role of renewable energy in achieving sustainable consumption and production pattern in Africa. This study addresses the question: whether the use of renewable energy helps achieve production and consumption patterns free from environmental degradation? We use panel data on 14 African countries from 2002 to 2014 and a robust econometric approach such as panel corrected standard error (PSCE), instrumental generalized method of moment (IV-GMM), and quantile regressions.

Are abundant energy resources and Chinese business a solution to environmental prosperity in Africa?

Africa is abundantly endowed with oil and mineral resources and investment (Habiyaremye, 2020; Zakari and Khan, 2021). However, the region has failed to transform this ample advantage for environmental prosperity. This study centers on the influence of energy resources, Chinese investment, and trade in Africa on the environmental quality of the 40 SSA countries. To achieve this objective, we applied Panel Driscoll-Kraay Standard Errors (PDSE) and System-Generalized Method of Moment (S-GMM) estimators for yearly data spanning the period of 1992–2018.

Asymmetric impacts of foreign direct investment inflows, financial development, and social globalization on environmental pollution

This study examines the impacts of social globalization, foreign direct investment inflows, and financial development on environmental pollution in the context of a globally-representative sample of 107 countries. Unlike previous studies in the literature that have focused primarily on examining individual indicators of environmental degradation, a holistic index of environmental degradation is used in this current study.

Impact of the informal economy on the ecological footprint: The role of urban concentration and globalization

The informal economy represents about a third of world output, thus, generating serious challenges for attaining environmental sustainability. Although there are several indicators of environmental sustainability, the ecological footprint is the most holistic proxy for the capturing the state of environmental degradation. Hence, this research examines the impact of the informal economy, urban concentration, and globalization on the ecological footprint during 1990–2018 period.

Análisis del impacto de la Ley Orgánica para la Promoción del Trabajo Juvenil, Regulación Excepcional de la Jornada de Trabajo, Cesantía y Seguro de Desempleo, sobre el desempleo juvenil en Ecuador

Youth unemployment is one of the main problems facing the globalized world, therefore, the present research focuses on evaluating the impact on youth unemployment of the Organic Law for the Promotion of Youth Work, Exceptional Regulation of Working Hours, Unemployment and Unemployment Insurance (LOTJ) passed in 2016. Control variables referring to the social, economic, demographic and cultural conditions faced by young people aged 18 to 26 during the period 2007-2020 are included.